Misguided Faith…

hope ratcliff
5 min readNov 2, 2020

Why I Changed My Vote 48 Hours Before the Election.

I should probably start by saying that I am about as far from a political analyst as one could get. I wouldn’t even consider myself that politically active. I didn’t even vote in the last presidential election. Not because I’m not registered, or didn’t know my polling place or couldn’t get off work in time. I simply could not bring myself to vote for either candidate. A choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump felt like a choice between garbage and vomit for dinner for the NEXT FOUR YEARS. So I just didn’t vote.

Times were simpler then. I had the luxury of staying home and making who our next president was going to be someone else’s problem. Then Trump was elected and all hell broke loose. A Russian election conspiracy, an attempted impeachment, and Trump publicly discriminates against a reporter with a disability. A partial wall was built and ICE held children in cages. Sexual harassment claims left and right. Then a black man was killed in broad daylight by a police officer and Minneapolis burned down. Somebody in China ate a bat and Covid hit. Here we are. November 1st.

The past four years have brought the people of this nation to a place we thought we would never be. Questioning our patriotism, our democracy, our very constitution, our own minds and judgement. Everyone has a cell phone. Everyone sees the news. But what is real and right and true is more uncertain now than it has ever been. Right looks wrong. Bad seems good. Even good people are buckling under the…



hope ratcliff

I like equity and breakfast food. Education is my gig. (She, her, hers)